
Disciplining a tender heart

Since my Samuel has turned three I have really had to dig down and start disciplining him. It’s really the first time I’ve had some issues with him and he isn’t acting out horrible, but he has picked out the bad habit of telling people to “stop it” .

When we first noticed this, my husband and I caught ourselves saying “Sam stop saying stop it.” Then we were like that’s counterproductive. We decided to start giving him one minute of time out whenever he said it wherever he said it.

The first few days he would get mad and cry, but by about day three he would go to the chair, apologize to whoever he had said it to, and sit there quietly until it was time to get up.

After about a week, we noticed we were not having to send him to time out. I would catch him almost say it and would correct himself and say “no” (in a nice way) or he would just like at me and say “I sorry mommy.”

Samuel has such a tender heart. If I say you are in trouble he melts down on the spot, but this method has really worked for us. I am super proud of him. I know our discipline will probably get harder rather than easier as he grows but this was a total mom win for me and I had to share in case others needed a pick me up.

Sidenote: The first few days I would cry when I would have to put him in time out because his tears broke my heart, but being consistent is what helped us!

Don’t get discouraged if you’re going through the terrible two or threenage years…we are right there with you!

Monthly updates, parenting, Uncategorized

7 months!

My sweet Maxton turned 7 months about a week ago! These months keep going faster and faster! Our big milestone this past month has been he is starting to sit up by himself! He can do it only a few minutes at a time but he is making improvements each and every day! I am so incredibly proud of him!

He also started eating food! He likes sweet potatoes, bananas, kiwi, and prunes. The only thing he has completely rejected is peas!

Samuel is starting to enjoy interacting with him and asks to play with Max daily. They mainly stick with playing with trucks and tractors, but I am certain that pretty soon they will be chasing each other through the house.

Max has also started rocking on his knees and army crawling. He can pretty much get anywhere he wants and everything he picks up goes to his mouth!

Max man I love you so much and watching you grow has been incredibly rewarding. I love you so incredibly much sweet boy ❤


An Introduction to Easy homemade baby food!

Before I begin this post I want to say that with my first baby I did not make baby food! I did however, buy organic baby food. This got to be pretty pricey real fast, so when it came time for my second little one to start eating I decided I would give it a go and try to make everything!

I am writing this because making your own baby food is literally SO EASY! I was so scared and intimidated by the ideal of it the first go round, but I am so glad I decided to do it. It barely takes anytime and helps us financially and I know exactly what is going into my infant’s body!

I always keep bananas in the house because this was the first food he tried. The first go round I pureed it, but now I can just mash a banana up and it’s perfect for him. The only thing I need is a spoon/fork and a banana!

Here’s an insight in to the first time I made him green peas. I got some organic steamable peas from Trader Joe’s. They are so great and Trader Joe’s prices are also fabulous! (I wish I would have gotten a picture of the bag but I didn’t think to until I threw it away :-()

I steamed the peas in the microwave for the allotted time on the bag (I believe it was 6 minutes). Once that was done I poured all contents of the bag (including the water) into the blender!

I got a middle of the road blender from Wal mart. All of the baby making food equipment is super expensive and I figured I have a stove and oven to steam/roast why do I need to pay $200 for something when I can do all of that and then just blend it to get it pureed. I chose a Hamilton Beach and it works GREAT!

Here’s a link to the blender I purchased:


Once I blended I was all done! I poured one serving into a bowl for him to eat for dinner and used my storage containers that I purchased from babies r us for the rest! The whole process maybe took ten minutes and made enough for nine meals…yes that’s right NINE meals!

Below is a link to the storage containers I purchased! I really like them, but you could also use ice trays, I just prefer for there to be a cover and I can easily just stick the little pod into the microwave.



So there it is! For those who are considering making your own baby food…Give it a try! If you don’t like it or don’t want to make everything you can always make a store run and get some! I think you will find it is incredibly easy though! I’ll try to do some more post about foods I make!